
Blogger Favourites

I never do these kind of posts so I thought it's time I did one! There's so many blogs I love to read and ones which I have bookmarked and all of you who comment on my posts (I do read all your blogs!) But I've never really said why I love certain blogs and shared my favourites with you! So these are just some of my favourites lately!

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I found Kim's blog Sweet Monday through another blog a few months back and I was lucky enough to win Kim's giveaway with Dixi Clothing on her blog. I love Kim's blog as she has such great style and I absolutely love her DIY posts! I was lucky enough to meet Kim at the Very.co.uk blogger event a few weeks ago and she's so so lovely! (so go check out her blog now!)
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I found Amy's blog The Little Magpie only a few weeks ago and I'm already hooked on reading it! She has a fab sense of style and I absolutely adore her outfit posts!
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Kavita and me have read each others blogs for years. I still love reading her blog She Wears Fashion now! (previously Iheartvintagex)! Me and Kavita are really good friends In real life and I met her through blogging events about a year ago! She's absolutely lovely and I love reading all her posts especially her outfit posts and how she pulls of wearing vintage clothes so well. She's genuinely one of the nicest people I've met and I hope you check out her blog!

As you know today's valentines day... so HAPPY VALENTINES DAY FASHION-TRAIN READERS! :)
Hope you've all had lovely days and if you follow me on Instagram you will have noticed me and my best friend have been cooking and watching movies and eating a lot of unhealthy food!

What have you done this valentines day? What do you think of my Blogger Favourites?

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